

Application forms for different services

Postal Services

Postal Objects Redirection Service


Application for Postal Objects Redirection (Local)

Application for Postal Objects Redirection (Overseas)

Service of Register Mail


Application for Proof of Registered Mail

Posting Registered Mail Form (Large Quantity)

PO Box Service


Application of P.O. Box

Application for Personal Information Change of P.O.Box Renters and Other Services

Postal Paid Service


Application for Postage Paid Service

Application for Renewal / Cancellation of Postage Paid Service

Postage Paid Service – Mailing Bill and Receipt

Business Reply Service


Application for Business Reply Service

Application for Renewal / Cancellation of Business Reply Service

International Business Reply Service


Application for International Business Reply Service

Application for Renewal / Cancellation of International Business Reply Service

Service of Printing Publicity, Propaganda or Advertisement


Application for Printing Publicity, Propaganda or Advertisement on Envelopes or Post cards

Service of Authorizing Representative for the Collection of Postal Objects


Application for Authorizing Representative for the Collection of Postal Objects

Service of Franking Machine


Application of License for Selling Franking Machine

Application of Import License of Franking Machine

Inquiry for International Registered Mail


Inquiry for International Registered Mail

If you would like to know about the delivery status of an international registered item. Please fill out the CN08 form and submit your request in any post office of RAEM together with a copy of the registered mail posting receipt (talao).Only the following 6 boxes in the CN08 needed to be fillled out :

  • No of item (registered number)
  • Date (posting date)
  • Office (name of the post office where the item was posted)
  • Sender (name and address)
  • Addressee (name and address)
  • Contents (Content of the regeistered item)

All applications must be submitted within 6 months after posting of registered mail. Applications will not be accepted if the registered mail have been posted for more than 6 months.

Direct Mail


"Direct Mail" Application Form



Government Correspondence - Mailing Bill and Receipt

Registo de Reclamação sobre Máquina Automática de Venda de Selos

Declaracao da Politica de Recolha e Tratamento de Dados Pessoais


Commemorative Postmark Service


Application Form “Commemorative Postmark Service”


*English version is not available

Equipamentos de Radiocomunicações


Licença de detenção (equipamentos de radiocomunicações) [ RAD - 20]

Selagem/Desselagem dos equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 19]

Alteração dos equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 5]

Alteração dos equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 6]

Alteração dos equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 8]

Ensaio e detenção provisória de equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 7]

Ensaio e detenção provisória de equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 9]

Ensaio e detenção provisória de equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 18]

Homologação de Equipamentos de Radiocomunicações


Telefones móveis [RAD - 1]

Outros equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 1]

Autorização Governamental (Estabelecimento de Rede Ou Estação de Radiocomunicações)


Pedido inicial

Pedido inicial [RAD - 4]

Pedido inicial [RAD - 7]

Pedido inicial [RAD - 9]

Pedido inicial[RAD - 12]


Alteração [RAD - 5]

Alteração [RAD - 6]

Alteração [RAD - 8]

Autorização Temporária (Estabelecimento De Rede Ou Estação De Radiocomunicações)


Equipamentos de radiocomunicações amadores

Equipamentos de radiocomunicações amadores [RAD - 3]

Equipamentos de radiocomunicações amadores [RAD - 7]

Equipamentos de radiocomunicações amadores [RAD - 9]

Outros equipamentos de radiocomunicações

Outros equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 3]

Outros equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 7]

Outros equipamentos de radiocomunicações [RAD - 9]

Funcionamento Da Estação de Radiocomunicações


Emissão inicial da licença de estação [Notificação de vistoria aos equipamentos]

Renovação da licença de estação [RAD - 2]

Operador / Responsável técnico de radiocomunicações


Inscrição como responsável técnico de radiocomunicações [RAD - 16]

Certidão de equivalência de rádio-operador [RAD - 15]

Exame de Rádio-Operador – Amador


Admissão a exame [RAD - 17]

Diploma[RAD - 45]

Certidão de aprovação [RAD - 46]



Pedido inicial [RAD - 14]

Renovação [RAD - 13]

Macao Postal Savings

Government Staff Loan


Loan Application Form

Declaration Letter of Guarantor

Customer' s Letter of Consent of Personal Credit Report (For application of Macao Postal Saving's loan only)

Notes for filling out Customer' s Letter of Consent of Personal Credit Report

Non-Government Staff Loan


Loan Application Form

Declaration Letter of Guarantor

Customer' s Letter of Consent of Personal Credit Report (For application of Macao Postal Saving's loan only)

Notes for filling out Customer' s Letter of Consent of Personal Credit Report

Easy Transfer


Payment Transfer Service Application Form (Personal Customer)

Payment Transfer Service Application Form (Business Customer)

Payment Transfer Service Application Form (Company Batch Payment)

Letter of Consent for Payment Transfer service refund


Certificate and Service Application Forms


Application for Government/Corporate Certificate

Supplementary Sheet – Application for Government/Corporate Certificate (Authorised User Details)

Supplementary Sheet – Application for Government/Corporate Encipherment Certificate (For Unit)

Application for Personal Certificate

Change of Information of Subscriber/ Authorised Delegate Request Form

Certificate Suspension/ Revocation Request Form

Archived Encipherment Private Key Retrieval Request Form

Release a Blocked Smart Token Request Form

Application Form for DigiCert Certificate

Authorisation Letter by Government/ Corporate

Guideline for filling Application Form

eSignCloud Service Application Form

eSignCloud Service Application Form (Filling Guidelines)

Recovery of eSignCloud Signature Service Request Form

eSignCloud Service Guidelines