Easy Payment Service
Electricity and Water Bill Payment Service
Citizens can settle the water bill, electricity bill at the designated post offices without additional charges. Only accept payment by cash or by cheque.
Remarks: For overdue water bills, please visit the Macao Water Company for settlement of payment.

View the post offices with the Electricity and Water Bills Payment Service.
Housing Bureau Rental Payment Service
Housing Bureau Rental Payment of social houses, shops and car parks can be settled at the designated post offices. The rental payment for social houses can be made from 1 to 18 of each month, whereas the rental payment for shops and car parks payment can be made from 1 to 8 of each month. Renter needs to bring along the barcode notice issued by the Housing Bureau for the first time of payment. After that, they only need to present the receipt of the previous month for payment. No additional charges are required. Only accept payment by cash.

View the post offices with the Housing Bureau Rental Payment Service.
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