Dispatching postal
- When dispatching postal items, one may
opt between sending it via non-priority
service or via priority
Collecting postal items
- All parcels, except those registered with
eLocker as the mail collection location
or with the delivery address as the
University of Macau, should be picked up
at the General Post Office – Parcel Area.
Address: Rua da Sé, Edifício Caixa
Económica Postal, R/C.
According to the
regulations of postal parcel of
Public Service, articles 8 and 15,
the conditions for picking up Parcel
items or Insured items are as
- A) Personal Parcel
The recipient
or his/her representative (In this case,
must be certified by the legal
authorization) should present the valid
original Macao I.D. Card (BIR) or
equivalent valid official document for
verification of the signature on the
Pick-up Advice.
If the recipient
could not pick up the parcel in person,
the representative or the authorized
person of the recipient should present
his/her own and the recipient’s Macao
I.D. Card or equivalent valid official
document as well as the Pick-up Advice
with signatures of the recipient and the
- B) Corporate Parcel
representative or the authorized person
of the recipient should present the valid
original Macao I.D. (BIR) copy or
equivalent valid official document for
verification of the signature and the
company chop on the Pick-up Advice.
- To collect insured item, please follow
the instructions as below besides the
mentioned Items A) or B):
- The recipient or his/her
representative is requested to
check the insured item in front
of the counter staff before
- If the recipient or his/her
representative rejects to open
the insured item, C.T.T. will not
be responsible for the damage and
the loss of it.
- Any complaints should be raised at the
time of parcel pick-up.
Special Arrangement of
Parcel Delivery
- Home Delivery Parcel Fee (Charges per
parcel and paid by Addressee)
Within 5 Kilogram |
20 |
More than 5 Kilogram to
10 Kilogram |
30 |
More than Kilogram to 15
Kilogram |
40 |
More than 15 Kilogram to
20 Kilogram |
50 |
- Collect Parcel(s) at the Location
Specified by the Sender (per parcel)
Within 5 Kilogram |
20 |
More than 5 Kilogram to
10 Kilogram |
30 |
More than Kilogram to 15
Kilogram |
40 |
More than 15 Kilogram to
20 Kilogram |
50 |
Remarks: https://images.io.gov.mo/bo/i/2005/52/orde-62-2005.pdf
(Decree Law No. 62/2005, the
General Table of Fees and Fines of the
Postal Services – B, point 3, 3.3
and 3.4)