Sending Mail
- What mailing services does post office provide?
Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT) provides the following mailing services:
- Local mail service
- International mail service
- Correspondence (Non-Priority Service (Surface Mail) and Priority Service (Airmail))
- Parcel (Non-Priority Service (Surface Mail) and Priority Service (Airmail))
- Express Mail Service(EMS)
The above services are different in limits of weight and dimensions, service charge, speed etc. For further
information, please click Correspondence,
Parcel, EMS.
- Are there any prohibitions on mail items?
Posting of dangerous articles or articles that could not be ascertained as non-dangerous is not acceptable. For
dangerous articles that must not be mailed, please refer to Prohibited and Restricted Articles.
The sender shall pay attention to the laws and regulations on incoming goods and taxation system of destination before
posting, and ensure that the postal items are comply with legal stipulations including the local regulations
established in all the competent authorities in the Macao Special Administrative Region, in the countries or regions
of transit and destination countries. Otherwise, your items may be returned or confiscated, or you may be fined on top
of the required customs duties for further delivery.
For verification of compliance of the postal items with the legal and regulatory provisions, CTT staff can require the
sender or the recipient to open the postal item or undertake a review, in his presence, without infringing the postal
Meanwhile, some articles, as their shapes or materials bear close resemblance to dangerous articles, are difficult to
be identified accurately during x-ray screening. Postal items that could not be ascertained as non-dangerous during
x-ray screening will be returned to the sender without any postage refund.
- How to track my mail?
For Registered Mail, EMS and Parcel, sender can track the mail using mail tracking service through the following
- Website: please click Item Inquiry, input
the tracking number (13 characters and digits) on the posting receipt;
- Telephone: please click Contact Us, contact
the relevant department and provide the tracking number;
- In person: please visit any of our post offices or General Post Office with your posting receipt.
- What is the enquiry period of Registered Mail?
Enquiries about Registered Mail must be made within 6 months since the date of posting.
- How long does it normally take to get a result of an enquiry on an overseas mail item?
For enquiries on overseas mail items, we may rely on different operators, such as transit or destination postal
administrations, to provide relevant information. In addition, the Universal Postal Union regulations stipulate that a
maximum period of 2 months are given to the postal administrations for furnishing a reply to the origin country. Upon
receipt of complete enquiry documents, we will urge the operators concerned for processing and inform the enquirer of
the results.
- How to calculate the postage?
- Website: please click Postage
Calculator, input the destination, weight and mailing method; for EMS, please click EMS Postage Calculator;
- Telephone: please click Contact Us, call the
relevant department;
- Visit any of our post offices or General Post Office in person.
- What are the payment methods for postage?
Payment methods for postage:
- Apart from buying postal packing products, can I use my own packing box or re-used packing products?
Yes. However, to ensure smooth delivery, the sender must completely cover the postmarks, wordings and images with
gummed white slips or stamps when using re-used packing box or envelope for mailing. These contents may result in
unclear address and cause delay in delivery; in addition, the wordings and images may contain promotional contents,
which require authorization and additional advertising charge.
- What are the differences between Registered Mail and Registered Mail with Advice of Delivery?
Registered Mail
If the sender would like to have proof of posting (receipt) with tracking number at the time of posting and the
recipient confirm the acceptance of item with signature, the sender may choose to send the mail item by registered
Registered Mail with Advice of Delivery
The sender who sends registered mail can request to receive a written proof of delivery (Advice of Delivery) after the
item has been delivered and signed by the recipient.
- How to obtain the proof of posting and the proof of receipt?
If the sender would like to have proof of posting, he may choose to send the mail item by Registered Mail, parcel or
EMS. A receipt with tracking number will be issued to the sender at the time of posting.
If the sender would like to have proof of delivery, he may choose to send the mail item by Registered Mail with Advice
of Delivery. The sender needs to fill in the Advice of Delivery at the time of posting.
- What is the charge for Registered Mail with Advice of Delivery service?
The fee for Registered Mail with Advice of Delivery service is MOP13 per item.
- How to submit electronic customs declaration?
Sender can submit customs information in official language of the destination or in English through the website ( or mobile app of CTT, which should include basic
information such as the addressee address, item category, quantity, value, and weight. A QR code will be generated
after completion of the electronic customs declaration. When posting the item, the sender needs to present the QR code
and our staff will verify whether the declared information reflect the actual mail item’s contents before
accepting the mail.
- What is Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS)?
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, usually referred to as Harmonized System (HS), is a standard code
list compiled by the World Customs Organization for the classification of international trade commodities to unify the
classification of international import and export trade commodities by customs around the world. The World Customs
Organization will provide updates and revision suggestions in response to the development of international trade and
commodity markets. “The Nomenclature for the External Trade of
Macao/Harmonized System”, the local coding table adopted in Macao is released by the Statistics and
Census Service in accordance with the relevant revision suggestions and the needs of local commodity markets.
- What are the consequences for false declaration?
All declared information must be valid and reflect the actual mail item’s contents. Provision of false or
misleading information may lead to detention, seizure, delay in delivery, or return to the sender. In addition,
according to Executive Order no. 62/2005, Article I, Clause 2.7, is liable to a fine of minimum MOP500 and maximum
MOP1,000, and postage and fees paid will not be refunded.
- By what time do I need to post the mail item so that it will be handled on the posting day? When is the latest
posting time?
A mail item will be handled on the day of posting and be stamped a postmark if it is mailed before the latest posting
time, except for bulk mail. For the latest posting time of all post offices, please click What's New.
- How to mail liquid items?
To mail item containing any liquid, semi-liquids or substances that liquefy easily, the sender must ensure it is not
flammable liquid, and provide a detailed description (i.e. item name, quantity, volume, etc.) of mail contents on the
customs declaration form. The item can only be send by non-priority service (Surface Mail). The sender shall pay
attention to the laws and regulations of destination and ensure that the mail items are comply with legal stipulations
before posting.
The container of liquid item must be securely sealed and should be wrapped with cushioning materials, and packed again
with another hard container to keep it from shocks and pressures during the delivery; in addition, please place
absorbent material in the container to absorb any liquid that may leak out and fill up to space left in the package to
enhance shock protection.
Receiving Mail
- What is the postcode of Macao?
The postcode system is not adopted in Macao.
- In what circumstances will I receive an Advice of mail item?
For the following situations, the postman will leave an Advice so that the addressee can collect the mail item at the
designated post office:
- Mail items requiring signature for the receipt(including registered mail items and EMS items) but no one present
to receive them, or mail items addressed to a P.O. Box
- Parcel items
- Oversized mail items
- Mail items indicated with “Posta Restante”
- Postage unpaid or underpaid mail items
- Insured mail items
- Damaged mail items
- Why the oversized mail items need to be collected at the post office? What are the limits of weight and
The mailbox is only for letter mails. If the mail item is too big for the mailbox or weighs over 500g, the addressee
needs to collect it at the post office with the Advice.
- How to collect unregistered mail/ePacket?
After receiving the Advice, the mail item can be collected at the designated post office starting from the next working
day of the first issue of Advice. When collecting the unregistered mail/ePacket, please bring the Advice and the valid
identity document (original), so that our staff can register the name and the number of the identification document on
the Advice.
- How to collect registered mail? What documents do I need to bring?
When receiving the Registered Mail Advice, the addressee can collect the item at the designated post office starting
from the next working day of the first issue of Advice. When collecting the registered mail, please bring the Advice
and the valid identity document (original); for business addressee, the company chop is required to be applied over
the signature on Advice. If the Advice cannot be presented, you are required to provide the registration number of the
mail and a valid proof of address, so that our staff can verify the information and print out the Advice for you.
If the addressee cannot collect the registered mail in person, he can authorize someone to collect the mail on his
behalf by signing the Request for the Collection of Postal Item by a Third Party on the back of the Registered Mail
Advice (The signature of authorization must be identical to the signature on the identity document). The authorized
representative can then collect the item by presenting the signed Advice (original) and valid identity documents of
both the addressee and the representative (originals).
- How to collect the registered mail on behalf of a minor?
For minor addressee, the parent or legal guardian can collect the registered mail on his behalf by presenting the
Registered Mail Advice, valid identity documents (original) of the legal representative as well as the minor, and the
birth report (so-called “white card”) issued by the Civil Registry or the Birth Certificate. For guardian
representative, the relevant proof of guardianship issued by the Court or competent authorities is also needed for
- If the addressee is outside Macao, how to collect the registered mail?
If the addressee cannot collect the registered mail in person, he can:
- apply for the “Authorized Representative for Picking up Postal Objects” service and authorize a
representative to collect the mail items on his behalf for a designated period of time. For application, the valid
identification document (original) and signed application form are needed. Or
- sign the Request for the Collection of Postal Item by a Third Party on the back of the Registered Mail Advice,
which needs to be mailed to the addressee, and then send back the signed Advice along with his valid
identification document (original). The authorized representative can collect the mail item on his behalf by
presenting the signed Advice (original) and valid identity documents of both the addressee and the representative
(originals). Or
- apply for an extension of no more than 90 days since the first issue of Advice, and collect the registered mail in
person when come back to Macao.
- How long can the correspondence mail item be retained in the post office? How would it be handled, if not
collected during the retention period?
The addressee can collect the item at the designated post office within 28 days since the first issue of Advice.
The item will be returned to the sender, if not collected after the retention period. Please refer to the Advice for
the last collection date of your item.
According to the Ordinance no. 441/99/M – “Regulamento do Serviço Público de
Correspondências Postais”, Article 11, Clause 2, the correspondence mail can be retained for a maximum
period of 90 days. Therefore, the addressee can apply for an extension of no more than 90 days since the first issue
of Advice.
- Can I request a transfer to collect my mail at another post office?
No, cannot.
- Can mails sent to old address be redirected to a new address? How do I apply for it?
When changing the address, you may apply for the Redirection service. Once the application is approved, all your postal
items will be redirected to the new address. Redirection service includes the local and overseas services; the
applicant needs to pay for the charges concerned and present the following documents:
- Completed application form (local/overseas);
- Original and photocopy of identity documents of applicant and family members;
- Original and photocopy of the valid proofs of address of the old address and the new address (e.g. water bill,
electricity bill, telephone bill, etc.)
- For business applicant, the representative must present the valid identification document (original and
photocopy), and sign on the application form with company chop and submit the photocopy of latest valid Macao
Business/Organization Registration Certificate.
For details of Redirection service, please click Collection Arrangement.
- When do I need to submit proof of address when applying for the Redirection service?
The proof of address can help us verify the address to enhance the efficiency of delivery and reduce the opportunity of
false delivery caused by inaccurate information.
- How to calculate the effective date of Redirection service and Authorized Representative for Picking up Postal
Objects service? If the application was made on August 6th 2020 (Thursday), when would the effective date
The application would be effective after 3 working days. If the application was made on August 6th 2020
(Thursday), the effective date would be August 11th (Tuesday).
Other Services
- If the mail is not addressed to the renter of the P.O. Box, how will it be handled?
The P.O. Box is for the renter and beneficiaries use only. If the mail is not addressed to the renter or beneficiaries
of the P.O. Box, we will deliver Advice to the P.O. Box as a Posta Restante mail. The addressee needs to collect the
mail at the P.O. Box counter with valid identity documents to verify the name, and the additional fee of Posta
Restante will be charged.
- When is the payment deadline for Housing Bureau Rental Payment Service?
The rental payment for shops and car parks can be made by the 8th of each month, whereas the rental payment
for social houses can be made by the 18th of each month. If it is a public holiday or weekend, the cut-off
time will be extended to the next working day.
- Can I pay for the overdue water bill at the post offices?
No, cannot.
For further information, please Contact Us.